January 13, 2020

Am I Spiritually Investing in Others?

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" – John 13:34-35


When Jesus said, "as I have loved you," He was not referencing the degree to which He had loved the disciples or even how He had loved them. He knew they could never match what He had done for them. Instead, when we read "as I have loved you," it refers to the fact that He has loved us. Jesus was saying, "Because I have loved you; here is what must happen – you must love one another."

Then, as Jesus often did, He took the statement a step further; "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples." Jesus knew He would no longer be present physically on the earth, but the mission of drawing humankind to Himself needed to continue. For that to happen, His followers had to pick up the mantle of love. Like a familiar scent that connects you to a moment long forgotten, the fragrant love we show others points them to Christ and His desire to share fellowship with them.


• Looking for ways to show the love of Christ? With open eyes and hearts, opportunities are abundant. But if you need help getting started, check out valleydale.org/serve, where you will find many ways to love others in the church, the community, and around the world.

• Love is often measured in time - time spent and time given. As you go about your day or your week, see the people in your path as God sees them and take some time with them. Be intentional with your time, making time to listen, and time to ask questions. Then follow that up with action based on what you have learned.

Prayer Points

• Ask God to help you see the people in your path the way that He sees them.

• Take a few moments to reflect on those in your circle. List the names that come to mind and ways you could pray for them today. Use this list to pray. Consider asking the individuals on the list how you might best pray for them.

• Pray that people will be drawn to Christ through the love you show.