DNOW 2025
GUEST SPEAKER: Ismael Pruitt, College and Missions Pastor at Redemption Sholes
WORSHIP LEADERS: Iron City Worship
FRIDAY 6:30-10:00 PM
SATURDAY 9:30 AM - 10 PM
Registration Opens January 8th!
GUEST SPEAKER: Ismael Pruitt, College and Missions Pastor at Redemption Sholes
WORSHIP LEADERS: Iron City Worship
FRIDAY 6:30-10:00 PM
SATURDAY 9:30 AM - 10 PM
Registration Opens January 8th!
Be a part of our next Discover Valleydale membership class! If you are interested in learning about the makeup of Valleydale Church, how you can serve inside the church, and how Valleydale is involved in missions, sign up today!
Sponsored by Lifeline Children Services
ORIENTATION: February 17th, 6-8 PM, Glass Room at Valleydale church
CLASSES: Mondays, 6-9 PM, March 10-May 12, Glass Room at Valleydale Church
5 PM - MDWK MEAL - Click HERE to RSVP for Meals
6:15 PM - RE | ENGAGE - Registration closed - Click HERE to register for Fall Semester
6:30 PM - GRIEFSHARE - Click HERE to register
6:30 PM - VSM MDWK
6:30 PM - AWANA - Click HERE to register
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or be completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. This ministry offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. Re|engage is a marriage enrichment program; whether couples are struggling to get along, have broken relationships, or simply want to grow closer together, marriages in any condition can benefit.
Re|enage meets on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:45 PM. Programming that runs simultaneously for children is available for birth through 12th grade.
Registration closed - Click HERE to register for Fall Semester. If you are experiencing a crisis point in your marriage and need help before the next Re|engage begins, please contact Chuck McCammon at cmccammon@valleydale.org for other options.)
What is GriefShare?
A 13-week journey from mourning to joy for adults (16 yrs+) who have experienced the loss of a loved one (family member, spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker).
Grief is a journey that shouldn’t be traveled alone. You may feel like no one understands and be tempted to isolate, but as a counselor once said, “Healing happens in the context of finding others who can help you.” A GriefShare group is a safe place to find support.
What is ONEmission?
ONEmission is our annual missions celebration, where we set aside an entire week to focus on taking the gospel to our community, North America and to the nations. Join us this week as our missionary partners from all over the world will be with us and we get to meet them, encourage them and hear what God is doing all over the world. This is a fun and exciting week with activities for all ages, so make plans for you and your family to join us.
February 23 - March 2, 2025
Details and registration links here: valleydale.org/missions.
When debt isn’t holding you back, nothing can stop you from living the life of your dreams (yeah, that one you’re thinking about right now). And here’s the good news: You can get there. You just need a plan that works. That’s what you’ll learn in Financial Peace University. FPU is the nine-week class that teaches you step by step how to pay off debt fast and build wealth for your future. Stuffy financial class? Not here. FPU is full of energy, easy-to-understand lessons, and real-life examples of people just like you who have taken control of their money. And the best part? You’ll experience the class with a group of people who will encourage you and hold you accountable every step of the way. That’s what makes FPU so life-changing! In fact, the average FPU graduate is debt-free in two years or less!
Wednesday Nights during MDWK beginning March 5th
Please join us in The Cafe after the 10:45 service. Enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor Mac and our other pastors, ministers and staff. We'd love to know more about you and answer any questions you might have! Email dsawyer@valleydale.org for more info!
Looking for a place where your child can discover God’s love & His importance in their lives AND develop mentally, physically, socially, emotionally & spiritually in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment? Valleydale Early Learning Center is the place!
Find information on classes, rates and online application at valleydale.org/elc.
Click HERE for more info and to register for one of our Men’s Bible Studies.
We are thrilled to offer a new discipleship option for Women called "D-Group". These groups are made up of about four or five women who are believers in Christ. "They intentionally equip one another with the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ." (Growing Up by Robby Gallaty) D Groups require a high level of commitment and accountability and are perfect for the new believer or those further along in their walk.
If you are interested in being in a D-Group or would like more information when D-Groups are being formed, please fill out the form HERE.
The goal of a D-Group is to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and maturity as a committed Christian. A “Life Group”, “Small Group” and “Bible Study” are all valuable but a D-Group is not the same as it takes a deeper dive into the word of God with increased accountability. Valleydale Church strongly encourages participation in a D-Group if you are willing and dedicated, but not as a substitute for being part of a Life Group. A D-Group requires a high level of personal commitment requiring daily study, scripture memorization, prayer and preparation for weekly meetings. The way a D-Group functions helps to promote your transformation into the likeness of Christ on a path of sanctification.
If you are interested in learning more about men’s D-Groups or you would like to sign up to join a D-Group, click HERE.
Valleydale FX is a fun, family-based opportunity designed to help parents and kids take the conversation that begins here and continue it at home. For this installment of Valleydale FX, we will be answering the question, "How do we know we can trust what the Bible says?"
JUNE 2-6
For kids Pre-K through 5th grade
Registration opens March 10th!
What is Kingdom Kampers? Valleydale Church offers a summer day camp that follows a VBS/summer day camp curriculum. Through Old and New Testament stories, kids will focus on Jesus, the promised Messiah, who came to rescue and redeem us.
Who can attend? Kingdom Kampers is designed for babies (6 weeks) up to completed kindergarten.
** There is not a 1st - 5th grade class this summer
When? The program starts on June 10 and runs until July 24, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM.
What is the cost? The weekly price is $100, with a non-refundable registration fee of $30. If you have more than one child, there is a $5 sibling discount.
Extended Hours: Early care is available from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM and costs $30 per week, while aftercare is from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM and costs $60 per week.
You can select specific weeks for your child's summer camp attendance. Registering for the entire summer is not required, but you must register for at least two weeks.
Cancellation Policy: You may change or cancel without fee until April 15. If you cancel or reduce the number of registered weeks after April 15, you will be charged 50% of the total number of registered weeks per child, including any extended hours.
Registration begins on January 13 and ends on April 1 or when classes are full.
Contact the Valleydale Church Preschool Associate, Melissa Collins, with any questions at mcollins@valleydale.org.
2/3/25 UPDATE: Only the Babies class has availability. All other classes are full. Click here to be placed on the waitlist.
JUNE 23-27
8:30 AM - 5 PM
For kids completed Kindergarten through 5th grade
Save the dates and check back for a registration link beginning March 10, 2025!